If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time. – Zig Zigler
I am a complex person, so I usually don't start the year with a simple goal. I have a whole list of goals that I want to reach and in different areas of my life. These consist of my own personal fitness goals, martial arts goals, business goals, financial goals, etc. Many of these goals overlap, and some are independent. They are all important to me and will lead me towards my ultimate goal – early retirement, happy and healthy.
Goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement. - Brian Tracy, Eat that Frog
So, let's dive in and look at what I've been teaching in class regarding “goal setting.” My students have learned that I define a Goal as “a dream with a deadline”. This is very critical because when I randomly asked students what their goal was, I got answers like “to get my black belt” or “to kick higher”. Although these are great dreams, they miss the fundamental element that makes them a goal, that is the deadline. If a student says, “I want to get my blue belt, AT THE NEXT BELT TESTING”, it is now a goal. It is also a goal if a student says “I want to throw a face high side kick, BY THE TIME I REACH PURPLE BELT”. Although it is a simple concept, many people fail right from the beginning.
If you don't know where you are going, you'll end up someplace else. - Yogi Berra
So let's look at some of my goals: On a personal level, I need to lose some weight. Throughout the past several months, I have started concentrating on my diet. Although, I don't eat the best, I have started tracking calories and eating more vegetables. This process has aided me in stopping the upward rise in weight, but also has not provided for a drop in pounds either. I am currently plateaued. So, what do I need to do to get over the hump and start dropping again? I believe the answer is more physical exercise. Of course, I am already very active and workout almost daily, so I need to either eat less or burn more calories. For my lifestyle, working out more is a better fit. So my official goal is to lose 1 pound per week, or ultimately, 25 pounds before July 4th.
Aim at the sun, and you may not reach it; but your arrow will fly far higher than if aimed at an object on a level with yourself. - J. Howes
Now, to achieve this goal, I need to look at my workouts. I currently workout around 30 minutes per day. But, in saying that, it isn't always consistent. Some days I work hard and leave the gym layered in sweat. On other days, I have very little motivation, and simply run through a couple of forms, not even losing my breath. My biggest focus this year will be on re-building my cardio levels. To achieve this, I intend to start running again daily, plus I intend to add in more kicking drills and calisthenics. Although, I'm not listing them, I intend to increase these weekly, and have separate goals for each. I will also continue to practice forms daily in preparation for my belt testing in 2019.
A goal is not always meant to be reached, often it is only something to aim at – Bruce Lee
In concluding, I have listed a couple of my many goals. So what is my reason for listing these? And, why did I go into such detail regarding my process? I workout in our Dojang, every night, after class is over. Students and parents are filtering though on their way out, and I do it on purpose so they see me working. Many instructors tell their students to practice every day, but those same instructors don't do it themselves. I want for my success to motivate my students. On the days that I'm motivated, hopefully I can motivate others, on the days I need that motivation, hopefully there will be students there to push me on. This is the ultimate requirement for success. Find some friends, build off each others strengths and be there to help each other through the failures.
With the right plan, hard work, and dedication to achieving your goal, anything is possible.
Those at the top of the mountain didn’t fall there. – Unknown