About Us
What is Taekwondo?
The word Taekwondo is a Korean word which means Tae (hand) - Kwon (foot) - Do (the path) or in full "to use the hands and feet to follow the path of discipline". The art itself was created in 1955 by General Hong Hi Choi. It is a combination of various arts that have resided in Korea for nearly 2000 years. These include T'ang-su, Taek Kyon, also known as Subak, Tae Kwon, Kwonpup and Tae Kwonpup. There are also influences from Judo, Karate, and Kung-fu. Today, Taekwondo is an Olympic sport. It is also very effective in self-defense and draws its ability from its emphasis on power, which allows smaller students to effectively disable a larger attacker. For more information regarding Taekwondo, please read the Kwans of Taekwondo.
Why learn martial arts?
Everyone has the desire for self-improvement and martial arts is a very effective way to do this. If you desire to get in shape, lose weight, tone muscles, relieve stress, improve flexibility, and increase discipline and focus, then martial arts is the best way to reach these goals and more. Its primary purpose is to develop the techniques and discipline to protect oneself in a self-defense situation. Many students also embrace the competitive / sport aspects. Although not required, friendly competition does bring an added element to any training system.
What else do we teach?
In addition to Taekwondo, we also add elements of several other martial arts. Although Taekwondo alone is a very effective in a "stand-up" situation, most altercations end up on the ground. Due to this we also teach elements of Hapkido, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Krav-Maga, Judo, Muay Thai, and American Boxing. Although we do not consider ourselves to be a MMA (mixed martial arts) school, in essence we are. This enables our students to be more effective and "well-rounded".
What about our Instructors and Staff?
All of our instructors must complete an extensive training program that lasts nearly two years. Some of the items covered in their curriculum are class management, knowledge of content, instruction, motivation, and planning skills. All instructors must take an accredited written and physical exam. Once they have reached the level of instructor, they will continue to attend clinics and seminars conducted by the UTF and GTA Masters to further enhance their instructing skills.